Parish Calendar
Upcoming Events
Join the St. Ann’s Young Adults at 6:00 pm on Saturday, January 18th as we watch the film premier of Vito-Man at the Zoetic Theatre, then head next door to Mountain Lanes for some bowling!
St. Ann’s parishioner and Sheridan college student Jack Fabrizio is premiering his short film Vito-Man, a documentary about his 3-year-old cousin with Down syndrome, on January 18th at the Zoetic Theatre! Admission is free!
On one Thursday each month, we support the Sisters of Poor Jesus Christ in their Street Ministry, distributing meals to those in need on the streets of our community. Our next Street Ministry with the sisters will be on Thursday, January 23, beginning at 10:00 AM.
Our next Recollection for Women here at St. Ann's will be Thursday, January 23rd, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Confessions will be available from 6:30pm - 7:00pm. The topic of Father's preached meditation this month will be Living with Love.
Join us for the Family Catechism program at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Stoney Creek! Taking place every other Sunday in the IHM school gym, this ministry offers families the opportunity to deepen their faith together in a nurturing and joyful environment.
Father Mark Morley invites all young adults (ages 20s and 30s) of our diocese to attend a dance for dating couples and for singles who are discerning the vocation of sacramental marriage. The evening will feature a Regency Period Dance with an Instructor (No Experience Required!), a talk on the Theology of Dancing and Dating, and Hors d'Oeuvres.
Tickets are $20 per person. Online Registration Required by Tuesday, February 11th.