Masses for All Saints Day & All Souls Day

As we approach the solemn observance of All Saints and All Souls Day, St. Ann's invites all parishioners to join us for special Masses for those who have gone before us.

We will begin by observing All Saints Day on Friday, November 1st, honoring the lives and virtues of saints who have illuminated our faith. This serves as a reminder of the holiness we strive for in our own lives. The Mass times for All Saints Day are as follows:

  • English Mass: 8:00 AM

  • Traditional Latin Mass: 7:00PM

Following this, we will observe All Souls Day on Saturday, November 2nd. This is an opportunity to reflect, pray, and find comfort in the community as we seek to offer our intentions and support for those in purgatory. The Mass times for All Souls Day are as follows:

  • Traditional Latin Mass: 9:00 AM

  • English Mass: 5:00 PM

We encourage all members of our parish to participate in these solemn and contemplative gatherings. It is a profound way to cultivate our faith and deepen our connection to those we love and honour in our prayers.