Recollections for Men and Women


We need to time to stop, recollect and make plans so that our busy lives are filled with the Spirit and Life of God. Prayer is key and it opens the door of the heart to God. St. Ann’s is now offering Recollection or times of prayer for men and women which will include the following: exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a preached meditation by a priest, a talk by a lay person with opportunity for Confession, silent prayer and examination of conscience, another preached meditation by a priest, and benediction. All are welcome to come, listen, and pray.

The Dates for 2020:

For Women, (Saturday’s, 10am - noon): March 14, May 23, July 25, Sept 26, & Nov 21.

For Men, (Tuesday’s 7-9pm): May 26, June 23, July 28, Aug 25, Sept 22, Oct 27, Nov 24, & Dec 22

The spiritual life goes through alternating phases in which God successively shows and hides himself, makes himself heard and is quiet. Prayer teaches us the subtleties of divine speech. Is God being silent, or are we not hearing him because our interior ear and our intellect are not accustomed to his language? The fruit of silence is learning to discern his voice, even though it always keeps its mystery.
― Robert Cardinal Sarah