Registration is now open for children to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in 2025. Please ensure that you register your child by December 31, 2024. Early registration helps us ensure a smooth preparation process.
This Advent, we are excited to introduce a new practice at our parish that connects us more deeply with the universal Church's heritage. Beginning with the first Sunday of Advent, we will be singing the Marian antiphons proper to each liturgical season at the conclusion of Sunday Mass, before the recessional hymn.
Explore our 2024 Advent & Christmas calendar, which includes Mass times, family activities, and community celebrations. We encourage you to participate in these special events during this holy season as we strengthen our bond as a parish family.
Following Mass on Sunday, November 3rd, we will have candles remaining after our solemn observance of All Souls Day available at the back of the church for $5 each.
St. Ann's Parish invites all parishioners to join us for special Masses for All Saints and All Souls Day.
This past Saturday was an exciting day for our parish community, as we gathered together to witness the blessing of our new monstrance stand. The addition of the golden stand is call to all of us to embrace the spiritual richness that the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament offers.
Join the St. Ann’s Young Adults at 6:00 pm on Saturday, January 18th as we watch the film premier of Vito-Man at the Zoetic Theatre, then head next door to Mountain Lanes for some bowling!
St. Ann’s parishioner and Sheridan college student Jack Fabrizio is premiering his short film Vito-Man, a documentary about his 3-year-old cousin with Down syndrome, on January 18th at the Zoetic Theatre! Admission is free!
On one Thursday each month, we support the Sisters of Poor Jesus Christ in their Street Ministry, distributing meals to those in need on the streets of our community. Our next Street Ministry with the sisters will be on Thursday, January 23, beginning at 10:00 AM.
Consecration preparation from Feb. 20 - March 25th with consecration prayers on March 25th, feast of the Annunciation.
Prayerful preparation for Corpus Christi Procession for 33 days leading up to the feast of Corpus Christi.
Days of prayer, thanksgiving, prayers for priests, penance, abstinence, and fasting. Special Ember Day prayers for priests on each Ember Saturday of the year following the 9am Mass.
Annually from December 30 - January 1. 40 continuous hours of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament.
Novena Prayer with Holy Mass from July 18-26th, leading up to the feast of St. Ann on July 26th.
3rd Thursday of each month with Adoration, preached meditations, and confessions.